Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Fresh New Start...


This year is gonna be tough for me.... VBS sing and play?! ARgh!!! Tense.... I have so many things to do!

What to do? But just to depend on God and ask Him for help..

I know.. a very text book answer, but its the best thing I can do.. God will guide me through.. He put so many people in my church to help. And, I gotta make this work for His glory to be shown to the small kids...

VBS is in 10 days!! Pray for us, Wesley Penang and the whole VBS group to be able to usher in the presence of the Lord and show the kids God's power and glory...

The VBS comittee.. =P


  1. Hahahaha i love this picture. =)
    why lah u got so many blogs one? =)

  2. dude im hanging loose man wee!!!!!
